Solo Travel does not mean you have to be alone! — NOMADNESS TRAVEL TRIBE

When asked why people don’t travel. Some people respond by saying, “I don’t have anyone to travel with”. My response,” One monkey don’t stop me from traveling, the trip must go on”. The reason I say this is because if you wait on others to do something that you want to do, it may never happen. People are often too busy, don’t have enough money, content with not traveling and so forth.  As a matter of fact traveling solo has benefits. You have the ability to plan your agenda without the opinion of others, you can get to know who you are, flexibility to change plans as needed, and the freedom to meet others along the way if you choose to do so.



I am addicted to Facebook and Facebook groups.  I am an over 15 different groups as it relates to my interest and hobbies. I recently traveled solo to Nashville and Memphis, Tennessee. Due to my involvement in my groups and old friends, I was able to meet up with people along the way. I initially flew solo but I never felt like I was by myself.

One of my favorite groups is Nomadness Travel Tribe that was founded by Evita Robinson. Nomadness is a group for people who love to travel.  In order to gain access to the group, I had to watch a short video, take a quiz about the video and have at least one passport stamp. The reason I love this group is because I can send out a signal to ANYWHERE in the world and somebody will be able to meet up with me.

**Visit TIffany's site so see the rest of her Solo travel experience!**

