Domestic Tools - How To Travel Solo and Take a Bite out of the Big Apple — NOMADNESS TRAVEL TRIBE

Everyone has to go to New York City at one point in their journey across planet. It is essential to have some Big Apple stories in your conversational toolbox. If your budget allows it, there is no other excuse not to go at least once, or twice, to see one of the most creative places and get an experience of a lifetime.


Meeting People in New York

According to a Psychological study about meeting people, research has found that when you are able to make a new social connection it makes you more happy.

The study divided tourists into 3 groups on both trains and buses. One group was made up of strangers, the second group stayed disconnected, and the last group remained in solitude. The ones who were able to connect with strangers reported more positive experiences.

The interesting part is, that it was thought or predicted that the solitude group would be the one to have a better experience, but it was not the case. This result showed that we, as humans, tend to underestimate how crucial meeting new people is or also helped us understand that “new connections can make one’s day better. 

So, why not ask that man on the bus you’ve set your eyes on if she wants to get a drink?

With all that said, New York City is the best place to put this theory to the test. With numerous clubs, bars, and a one of a kind LGBT scene, it is one of the best places to meet people.

It is time to gain the confidence and walk into that bar like you own the place since everyone knows it can be quite intimidating to open the door to the bar while flying solo.


Maybe you are not addicted to coffee like most travelers, but you cannot start your day without finding the best coffee shop on your temporary New York city block and get a great start on the day.

Who knows, maybe you’ll get a seat across from someone making a travel map wanting to see the same sights you’re interested in. Why not strike up a conversation about New York landmarks and who knows, maybe you’ll end up seeing them all together.

Coffee shops are one of the best places to strike up a conversation and they are not as intimidating as a bar is.

Walking or Running down the New York Streets

Taking in the excitement of the New York streets is a super event in itself. Also, any type of exercise always gives us the energy and happiness to conquer the day. Whether it is the Lower West side of Manhattan or the streets of Brooklyn, there is an array of amazing “people watching”  that can be done in the Big Apple.



Walking, running, or even simply taking in the sights while sitting on a park bench in Central Park is a great mood booster and a chance to know yourself better as a solo traveler. Also, if you want to meet other people, there are running groups you can join or many other free activities always happening on the streets of New York.

Alternatively, you can find an NYC sightseeing company to get you to your ‘must see’ locations and you just might make a new social connection proving once again the findings of the research mentioned above.

*Guest writer Costea Lestoc*

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