I disdain pink lizards. I hate their guts! Guts that you can clearly see through their pink translucent skin. I don’t mind the green ones. But these f*&ked up creatures, whose every vein and artery is seen by the naked eye, really make my skin crawl when not many things do.

I was first introduced to a bigger version of them in India, back in March. Hovering over my bed, high up on the ceiling, it was the presence of one that made me ditch a private room to squeeze in between the covers with two other grown ass women one night in the desert of Pushkar.

They run in packs, and torment you from heights. One night, in India, I spotted one in my room on the window. For nearly an hour I kept it in my peripheral vision. The moment I turned away from the window, it disappeared, adding nothing but a jolt to my nerves.

I now see that India was preparing me for Thailand.
