So it's the big 27 today. I don't know why, but I like the way that number looks.

26 led to 7 seven countries traveled in 10 months.

Dengue Fever.

Jet Set Zero.


A new tattoo.

The death of a best friend.

The rebirth of Nomad•ness. 

The rough draft of the memoir.

International friends.

International disasters.

Love and breaks from love.

Personal evolution.

In numerology, I'm starting a '2' year. It's the time where focus shifts from self, to the development of projects starts in the '1' year. Development, building the teams I need to get stuff done, and patience are all attributes that will play heavy into this year.

The speed demon is being set aside to know that when it comes out, it comes out with excellence.

Going to be a phenomenal year.
