a third of a Facebook threesome.
emotions flashing white flags. privacy and notification options used in a manner never have before. at some point, you laugh at the online actions, until it gives distinct parallels to offline love. at that point, it becomes too much.
a 'Like' is really a dagger-- more of a mark stating 'I was here' or 'I see you two' than a supportive gesture. a cycle shared by all involved.
fighting the urge to see what's going on with the players, it feels less like a team sport, and more so a round of Russian Roulette. photos, updates, their happiness, all ingredients to your pain.
the battle. of still having a space to express myself freely, while also knowing that as business grows, Nomadness augments, the eyes multiply. the walls of eyes, both seen and not, see everything, want to know everything.
sharing... when did it turn from a lifelong lesson as kids, that sharing is caring.....to adult confusion and sadness? when it turned from sharing lunch, to sharing love.