it's crucial to your own personal success that you keep tabs on your own barometer.

what are you trying to accomplish?
what does it take to get there?
who helps and who hinders?

stay flexible. in preparation for this blog, i found my old 5-year plan that i began in 2007...let's just say much of what i have done was not on that list. life alters things. yet, when you are clear in what you want, the universe has a way of getting out of the way. be steadfast with these dreams and watch them come to fruition.

this 5-year plan is a bit more poignant than most. thus because in five years i will be the big 30. that's right, Evita at thirty years old. it makes me laugh. i'm not like most people (men) who are terrified of turning thirty. a bench mark it is, but i don't find it to be an age that should be the tell all end all of my former life. yes the number is daunting, but you rock with it and embrace the wisdom along the way.

so i am publicizing my 5 year plan. knowing me, there will be additions..this is the basis.

where do i see myself in 5 years?

out of all major debts, in full, including credit cards and student loans.
traveled to all 13 countries that i have on my international wish list.
have evierobbie media. incorporated with all business necessities.
have initial business locations developing in New York, Paris, London, and Japan for evierobbie.
be in a healthy, stable, fun, respectful, creative, and loving relationship.
be the best, most supportive woman i can be for the man in my life.
closer to 30, or within the first few years thereafter, start a family.
continue my road to healthy living.
have my first memoir finished and published, with financial and artistic acclaim.
work as a Writer/Producer in television and film under my evierobbie. staple.
have my own apartment, free of roommates.
create an extensive fan base through web acquisitions, book publishing, and evierobbie platforms.
have my Masters in Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship from Goldsmith's University in London.
look into prep needed to obtain PhD.
acquire a celebrity clientele for evierobbie specific projects, including memoir writing and video production.
have attended and work competed in Cannes and Sundance.
foster stronger business relations with Dissident Display, Abi, Paris, LA, and Tokyo networks.
completing a new screenplay.
practice philanthropic efforts for children in foreign countries.
continue to challenge myself both personally and professionally.
move quicker in letting go of toxic people and relationships.

where do i see myself in the next 6 months?

down between 145-150 pounds in the body i have always dreamed of.
mentally and spiritually stronger and more confident than i have ever been in my life.
building a solid Tokyo network for evierobbie.
traveling to Thailand and India.
completing my first memoir.
apply for the Fulbright US/UK grant to get my Masters.
implementing my financial plan to eliminate two major debts and cut credit card debts in half.
visiting NYC and working Summerstage for August, as well as other networking events.
giving my celibacy a sexual insert while at home with Mr. Dope.
building with Talik to get this website up and moving. (noa. i love you)
continuing to push viewership on blogspot and
making as much supplemental income as possible through extra teaching, bartending, writing, and photography.
continuing self discovery....being the most phenomenal woman i can possibly be.