So the last night of splash! was last night and the performances included Janelle Monae, Lupe Fiasco, Big Boi, Onyx, and Cypress Hill.

Lupe finished performing at splash! and this dude killllllled it!

Post- Janelle Monae I reclaimed my spot right in front, eye shot away from all artists and bands. This happened to be the best and worst place for Lupe's set. His new stage fixation is throwing water on the crowd. Equipment was secure from the water bottles, as I got sucked more and more into his performance. This is my third time seeing Lupe, and if I ever spoke to him personally I would tell him this. (Which I did briefly later last night).

"I hope you don't take offense to this, but your stage performance has improved tremendously over the last couple years."

Seriously, he's bananas on stage now! I remember a time in Summerstage years ago when that wasn't so much the case. This dude could really be conisdered a headliner for this festival and BY FAR he's the best performance I've seen on the Main Stage, while Foreign Beggars takes the cake for the best performance on the Aruba Stage. Even more so because they allowed me to sneak backstage too. That video will be up later. 

In perfect unity, as Lupe belted his hits to new heights, the rain came down. Slowly at first then in unison with his energy it poured, and none of us cared. I can say I have NEVER been so into a performance that while raining I still stayed there, let alone with equipment in a book bag. Drenched, clothes sticking to me, sneakers soaked...I walked away from that stage fulfilled and on a high of life.

The night ended with me kicking it with Onyx, giving information about Nomad•ness over to Lupe, and watching Cypress Hill's set, backstage with a perspective from the other side of a concert. splash! gets my vote.



