1. Name

 Lola Akinmade Åkerström

2. Company name

Geotraveler Media

3. Location (City, State)

Stockholm, Sweden

4. Year Company Was Started

Registered in Sweden (2010). Around in one form or another in the US since 2007

5. Website Address/Social Media Handles for Twitter And/Or Instagram

Twitter Handle  - @LolaAkinmade

Company - http://www.geotravelermedia.com

Blog - http://www.lolaakinmade.com

Portfolio - http://www.akinmade.com

Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/GeotravelersNiche

LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/lolaakinmade

Google+ - https://plus.google.com/110670451128591559783

6. In 2 sentences what does your company do/brand represent?

Geotraveler Media is a multimedia and travel consulting firm providing a spectrum of travel media-related services from writing, photography and web design and social media consulting.

7. Pro of being the face of your own brand?

It instantly personalizes the work I produce/create and shows that it is run by a passionate human voice.

8. Con of being face of own brand?

That clients may assume I can only relate to or that my audience is mostly people that look just like me - black. My audience and clients are as diverse as they come.

9. Mental Mentors (up to 3, Who inspires you?)

Oprah is a testament to living one's authentic self and calling, Bono embodies the word passion in everything he does, and Jesus Christ exemplifies that ultimate humility, servitude, generosity, and grace I will continually aspire to for the rest of my life.

10. Inspirational quote that speaks to your business acumen 

"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."...E.E. Cummings.

11. How does the mission of Nomadness (living a life without boundaries, both literally and figuratively) fall in line with steps you have taken building your brand? 

The challenge I keep fighting while pushing my own boundaries professionally is that people begin to see you operating at a higher potential than they originally presumed you were capable of. Pushing boundaries inches us closer to our maximum potentials as individuals in whatever areas of our lives we carve them in.