During her travels Nomadness member Pearl Ramsey had the pleasure of visiting the France home of the Great James Baldwin. From poetry to social activism, there are few individuals whose names ring with the respect and accomplishment of Baldwin. Pearl has opened up her images from her time in France to share a glimpse into the life of the great James Baldwin. Take a peak below then you can see all the images via Pearl's personal site.
...With immense gratitude and overdue veneration I, present the photos taken (with my Samsung Galaxy S4 in 2013- an expedition self-intiated) from the half-demolished house of this great American Author, Poet, Playwright, Social Critic, Essayist, Literary and Civil rights icon, MONSIEUR JAMES BALDWIN in Saint Paul de Vence, France. He, a mirror scribing the supreme delusions of a White prioritized Western culture on carbon resisted skin. Carbon inflicted dreams -- deferred. Yet and still... Carbon ineluctably carve out history like the diamonds they always were.
His words, for me, are priceless treasures. Not forgotten and least not for long. Because Father (yes, Father) Baldwin hadn't planned to disappear into omission or a his or her story written about him. He authored his biography and wrote theirs. It was a picturesque America without coloring, additives and preservatives. He told it just as he lived. And he did. Live present and more humane than any Constitutional claims America could make of human. He wrote his way to liberty. It was just not for all.
It was surreal the choked desolation and the intricately chosen isolation he called home in his final years. Agog to explore this morass of memories still fertile in the air. I wore it like a blanket. He was as his words -- still here. I could duly pay my respects.
To begin, I lived in Nice now and could feel straightaway the deep affinity the French had for Black Americans, our music, struggles, leaders, and activism, actually this was a common thread in my experience throughout the world. Though skin tone and sexuality are still a benchmark for social graces and human exchanges thanks to colonial branding and religious oppression, but there is much to be said about the warmth of a smile and heart that speaks to our more gentler nature should it exist. I'm fortunate that I rarely encounter such overt violations to my person but, I'm always aware of a difference that makes all the difference. In most cases I can appreciate it.
Though skin tone and sexuality are still a benchmark for social graces and human exchanges thanks to colonial branding and religious oppression, but there is much to be said about the warmth of a smile and heart that speaks to our more gentler nature should it exist. I'm fortunate that I rarely encounter such overt violations to my person but, I'm always aware of a difference that makes all the difference. In most cases I can appreciate it.
***We don't want to give away too much so please click here to see Pearl's experience at the Baldwin home in it's entirety.***